Thursday, December 26, 2013

Walking into the room...

We had our company party the second weekend of December. It is generally a more formal event with a band and party dresses. First off let's talk dresses.

In years past, I would buy something that would cover me, tent me, hide me....and deal with it. This year I opted to show some skin. Yup I bought a little black dress. Sleeveless and short. I wore hot pink heels and I had a spray tan a couple days before! Yup totally different.

The most fun thing is that everyone I hadn't seen in a year or two was SHOCKED! And kept telling me how great I looked. But better than that, I felt beautiful. I felt gorgeous. I felt alive. I had no qualms about showing my arms and I stood up straight and smiled for all the pictures.

It was a good night :)

Catching up...

Yah December got away from me. Yesterday was Christmas and there is a LOT to be happy about.
My big brother is getting married, my parents are healthy and I saved my life in 2013. 2013 had ups and downs in our family but I'm happy to say mostly ups.
This project has been one that I don't think I can ever adequately describe but all I can say is I am not the same girl I was when this journey began so I will write a few observations I've had this month and what I have experienced that has made life so different.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sometimes ya gotta let loose....

I went down to my alma mater for football the last few weekends. We were in the playoffs. I took a picture with my bestie and loved is why...
Here is a picture of us about a year and a half ago....

And here is a picture of the two of us two weekends ago....

I love E! She has always been so supportive of me and she will never know how grateful I am for her friendship...and now I don't mind taking pictures next to my pretty friend! 

Inch by inch...

The scale hasn't moved.
I could tighten the diet even more but frankly I'm wiped out.
The scale hasn't moved.
I could do more cardio.
The scale hasn't moved.
What has moved? What has changed?

I reached a frustration level unlike any I have had in 11 months and so I sat down by the fire and drew out the change in my body on posterboard....

I've lost 36 inches on my body. That is 3 (pardon my language) fucking feet!
Fuck the scale...I am KILLING IT!!!

A very different Thanksgiving this year...

Last year on Thanksgiving I laid on the couch for a bit watching the parade. I ate a fatty breakfast and then went and had steak with the family. I struggled to find something to wear and didn't feel comfortable at the table.

This year, it is a new life. First off I was pushing for the 30-in-30 challenge so when they opened up a Fusion Fly Rush Hour class at 5:30am on Thanksgiving morning, I didn't think twice and signed up. Um WTF who am I? Then, I ran home and cleaned up (and layered up) and headed out to meet my WLBC All Star friends for the Ward Parkway Turkey Trot...and rocked out my very first official 5K!!! Yah burned a lot of calories but more than that....I felt so good about myself when I sat down for our family steak that the meal was that much more delicious!

On paying it forward...

There is a woman in our group this round whom I am very fond of. I see myself in her and I see the desire she has to have this to attain these goals and I want that for her. I think she secretly hates it when I come up behind her and make her run but that is what I want for her. I want women, friends and strangers alike, to feel like I do. To set a goal that is seemingly overwhelming and to push themselves to get it. And, when pushing themselves isn't working, I want to be there to push them. I want women to know they can do it and to feel that joy when they put one foot in front of the other a little faster every single day!

From last to first...

I think of that time in January when I turned to S, L and K who had all done this before and asked 'Will I ever be able to keep up?' I think of the day I was terrified and didn't think I could ever keep up. That is what makes days like that morning when N & I were doing a relay workout and the two of us finished before everyone. We had to take a picture. We both realised that 11 months ago we were always dead last, and damn it we were FIRST!!!!

I have to think that to feel defeated and remember that feeling makes victory that much sweeter!

30 in 30...

This year has been an expensive one. So, when Fusion Fitness threw down the challenge I couldn't say no to the reward! If you do 30 classes in November, you will get a tank top AND 10 Fusion Fly passes with a $150 value! So that is one of the reasons that I didn't write so much in November. I was exhausted. With a studio class almost every single day, there was no time to write. But I pushed and pushed and wanted to quit. I wanted to cry, I did cry....but I finished...with 1 day to spare!

Shopping Spree!!!!!!!

For years I have hated shopping. I used to say it was because it was pointless and boring but let's be honest, it was because I couldn't wear anything. I have a dear friend and neighbor who always told me 'Hey, shoes and accessories always fit.' But you know what, I wanted to wear those cute clothes and boots and to walk in a store and feel like I belong. I have never felt that before.

Well, after months of hard work my happy ass headed to Chicago for the KU/Duke game and planned it so I went shopping with my mom. That is another thing. My mom loves shopping and the woman can find awesome things. It was always sort of a sore subject for the two of us to shop because I was never happy doing it. Well times they have changed. We had a blast and I shopped and shopped and shopped some more....stores whose doors were always closed to me are now open. And while this isn't a vanity thing, we had a hell of a good time reaping the benefits!

Yah it's been a month...

So November got away from me and here we are in December. I have lots to write about from November so sit back and I apologize for not writing before....but here come a few posts your way....