In keeping with the spirit of appreciating what I've accomplished I had a moment this morning that almost made me cry...almost.
First off, I am STRUGGLING with allergies. I cannot breathe and the last thing I want to do is workout but I got up and I went.
This morning we did a circuit with sprints and running in between each 2 minute station. We'd do an exercise then sprint the long side of the field, jog the short side, sprint the long side and recover on the short and we would do this for 2 minutes. I had trouble with the cardio this morning because of my breathing and dry mouth (thank you antihistamines). But then, something amazing happened. On one of the sprints, I passed everyone...I was weaving in and out and I felt so fast. But that isn't where I almost cried.
It was when I was easing off and jogging around the field when I had a moment that took my breath away. As I was turning the corner after one lap I reached a point in the field where I remembered a moment so many months ago when I was having a hard day. It was about 45 pounds ago and I could only walk. Don't get me wrong I still walk alot courtesy of my hip. But, this was different. Back then when I walked I saw the girls passing me and while I smiled on the outside, inside I was humiliated. I thought 'I wish I could just get around the field once without stopping.'
Today, I remembered at that point on the field where I felt that so many months ago, I was jogging. I had just finished a lap and was cruising into a second and not even thinking about it. I wanted to jump back in time and hug myself and tell myself 'You WILL get there.'
Today, was a proud moment.
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