For the last few months my best friend S and I have been cheering for others to get their s#*+ together as life has been kicking people in the fanny. We see train wrecks on reality tv and have prided ourselves that 'Hey we have our s#*+ together.'
In a way I did, but in a bigger way I didn't. So today was the prep day, I enjoyed some last treats that are now expelled from my home. I took care setting up a temporary membership at my community center. I have a gym membership but as I said yesterday I have a crazy scheduled calendar. It won't be feasible to get all the way out south to my regular spot on certain days so Sylvester Powell Community Center it is....
I hit Target. I will be getting ready for work at my parents home on the other side of town and rather than deal with schlepping my crap back and forth, I am putting duplicates of my necessities at their home.
Somewhere in all that running around I noticed that a friend of mine 'Liked' a group on Facebook. I noticed this as I has having my thousandth self doubting conversation in my head. I mention this because the picture looked familiar. It was one of the girls who is doing the same bootcamp for the 3rd or 4th time and has been on an amazing journey for a couple years. I can't wait to meet her. Self doubting....over (for that hour at least).
Then I indulged in laziness...really I did that first by laying in bed for a couple hours then laying on the couch then flipping through magazines. All activities that are gonna be nixed at noon tomorrow.
Today was spent...getting my s#*+ together!
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