Due to a medical issue I couldn't go to my killer Wednesday night class last night. I was really upset about it. Then I realized that 3 weeks ago I would have been psyched to miss it. My mentality is changing as evidenced by my response to missing class last night. Then today I was totaling my January points for my company's internal get fit program. I track mu points every day.
We are required (if we participate) to get 2,000 points a month through various activities. I generally got the bare minimum. My total today (without tonight's workout) is 11,165!!!! I looked at how many minutes I've worked out and was FLOORED!! See, I don't count from my arrival at the gym to my exit. I count actual minutes of moving my fanny. Since January 7th I've worked out 1,825 minutes which averages 260 minutes a week or 76 minutes a day. I think my goal for February is to increase that by 50%!
daaaaaaaam!!!!! that's awesome