A lot of what I have written is about my journey and what I'm experiencing and that is the point of this project. But, I want to take a minute to talk about the culture or vibe of our bootcamp crew. I became very aware of it when I sent out a note today to the group to see who was going to the 5:30 class. This is the first day of gorgeous weather in KC the Big 12 tournament is going on. Everyone I know is downtown partying or sitting on their decks drinking and soaking up the sun. I was just hopeful someone was going to class. I got a few notes from girls who said they were doing an outside workout and encouragement to join in but I declined since I hadn't had a Fusion class all week other than our bootcamp. Then a few let me know they would be there tonight and I got excited.
I was so tired driving to class and would have rather gone home and straight to bed. But as they trickled in and we put our mats down by each other we started laughing and sharing experiences with other people in class who aren't part of this. I noticed a lot of the other women seemed so alone in the class and I made an effort to smile to those around me I didn't know and say encouraging things as we worked. But there is something about experiencing it with these women.
These women have pushed me and encouraged me and have changed this from a painful to a joyful experience I get excited when I see them in class and I am genuinely sad when they have to miss a session. There is something about working out every day with people that you see them change and they see you change and you appreciate the effort and exhaustion you are both experiencing. They understand that you are sick of stinky laundry. That your skin is so dry from sweating and showering multiple times a day. That they get it when you say you would give anything to eat/drink/taste X but you don't because it's not worth it. I am so happy when they tell me they've signed up for the next round so there is a comfort level with them. This is the first time in my life I have stuck with a health plan this long. And I believe it is because of the women around me in class day in and day out. And, as we come down to the end....I'm gonna miss them being around every day but I hope to keep seeing them in class.
I am looking forward to seeing you next week! Krystal