Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I feel like a confessor...

There is a look that I am reveling in. It is the look I get when I see someone I haven't seen in a while. It is the look of surprise and astonishment at the changes.

If I didn't see this look, I might not recognize the changes in myself. I LOVE seeing people I haven't seen in a while. And I love telling them about program when they ask. But, then begins the part that always makes me giggle inside. People start confessing that they need to change, or that they wish they could or even better they start telling me everything they eat.

I want to say, this is not a competition. Nor is my progress a reflection on you. I want to champion healthy choices people make and not make them feel bad about choices when they aren't so healthy. Hell, I was not the picture of health and I have a long way to go before I am a role model. I want to stop these folks mid-sentence and tell them 'It's ok! The choices you made today good or bad are your choices and you have the power to make better choices tomorrow. You don't have to look for absolution from anyone but yourself.'

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