Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Taking the scale out of the equation...

There is no way around it, Tuesday morning SUCKED. My weigh in was frustrating and that set the tone for the morning. I couldn't find my groove, couldn't find my stride and I WAS PISSED. I have made the decision to take the scale out of the equation. While I am proud of the weight I lost, I can't be dictated by it right now because it affects my attitude and my self esteem and that CANNOT HAPPEN!

I was pissed and sad and couldn't stop thinking about how crappy I felt about myself. So, I put on my workout gear and went running at lunch. And that is when I modified my mind and how I think about this process. Yes I want to lose weight, but more so I want to be healthy! I want to feel good about myself. So, I am taking the scale out of the equation.

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