Monday, June 10, 2013

'Pulse' is a dirty word..

First off I somehow completed 3 workouts today...Bootcamp in the morning, soccer practice at lunch and my first InTENse class tonight. InTENse is a new Fusion class that breaks the workout into 10 minute sections. You do 10 minutes cardio, 10 minutes arms, 10 minutes butt then repeat. I liked it. It was a good combo of cardio and conditioning/toning. However, when you are focusing on small muscle groups there is a word I dread. That word...PULSE.

There is nothing worse than when you are doing a big movement (kicking your leg in the air behind you, making big circles with your arms while holding weights etc.) than when you hit the peak of that movement and you are done with your minute and the instructor says...wait for it...'Now hold it there and pulse, pulse, pulse...'

It doesn't seem like tiny movements are painful but about 10 seconds in there is a 20 seconds a halfway thru you are burning and that is when the magic happens. You have to push your mind past your body and focus on the fact that it is only 30 seconds more and you can make it. Sometimes you succeed...and sometimes you don't. I've noticed I succeed at this more than I fail. But I think for the rest of my life I will hate that call from the pulse pulse pulse...

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