Monday, August 19, 2013

How freeing this week has been...

I feel like this week has been so much better. After that horrible Tuesday, and my decision to stop making it about the scale my stress has dropped. I am instead trying to focus on healthy decisions. I think this is part of the transition from bootcamp to real life. I think this was a good lesson for me.

Don't get me wrong, I have gotten on the scale and it is dropping but I kind of don't care. I am putting myself in a good place mentally and still accomplishing what I want to do. So I will keep pushing myself but I will also take time to reflect on each day and how far I have come. So, little victories. It is the little victories that add up into huge ones. Here are a few of my non-scale related victories this past week (in no particular order)...

1. Sunday I knocked out back to back workouts and one of them was a group fitness class where I wasn't sure I'd know anyone and I didn't care.
2. Saturday I woke up for a 6:55 am Fusion Fly Class and was excited about it.
3. Friday at a company meeting I ran up the stairs after our break and wasn't one bit winded
4. I started wearing lipstick which is huge because I never really wear make up in an attempt to remain hidden so yup that's a new one
5. Started shopping for a full length mirror for my home, something long since banished
6. Wore skinny jeans and pink high heels (see #4 to understand the significance)
7. I skipped a workout and did NOT beat myself up about it. Instead figured out why I did it and what I need to do next time.
8. Looked in the mirror and genuinely smiled back at myself
9. Borrowed professional clothes from a friend and guess what, it is the first time I've borrowed an outfit from a friend in I don't know how many years (I was always too big in comparison to friends)
10. I made this week NOT about the scale and I MEANT IT!!!

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