Sunday, August 11, 2013

Let's talk Fusion Fly...

Saturday morning at 6:55 am was a big day. I took my first ever Spin class. And unlike going to the local community center, I went all out and hit Fusion Fly! It is the new Spin studio that was opened at Fusion. I had no idea how to adjust the bike or what I was doing and the instructor was amazing!!! She helped me get situated, explained to the whole group what we were doing. And man oh man did I get a workout.

Like I said it wasn't a typical Spin class in that it included weights (we did bicep curls and other arm exercises while spinning) and resistance bands (again crazy arm workout while spinning). It was a miracle I didn't fall off the bike. I credit the months of core work. Oh and when we were done on the bike, we knocked out a 3 minute push up workout on the ground. Man it felt GREAT! I will definitely do another class, if I can get in!

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