Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Oh my goodness I'm one of 'those people'...

Let's start with how my morning started...snooze BUTTON.....Yah no morning workout. Instead I went to switch up tonight and sweated my ass off. Then, I cam home and hit my neighborhood for a 3 mile run/walk. The result... 1000 calories burned in a little over 2 hours. 

While I was out in my neighborhood at dusk, I realized it is a different world. It is the summer time late night excercise people They are everywhere. I can see in people's living rooms and see what they are watching on TV and I think why aren't they out doing stuff...

Then, I realized it... I'm one of 'those people'. The people I used to see pass by my house in the dusk of the heat of the summer and think to myself, 'What the F$$$ are they thinking? God made A/C for a reason!' 

But now, I AM one of those people. Jury is still out but I think I like being a person walking by rather than the person in the living room.

Don't forget to check out my workout checklist here...

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