Sunday, September 22, 2013

10K F### YAH!!!!

Friday...I ate poorly...

I mean really poorly...

I mean I was SUPER LAZY...

So about 3:00pm I got it in my head to take a long run/walk from my house to my best friend's house. So I asked her 'Hey, if I make it to your home can you drive me home?' She of course said yes but kept giving me an out.

Hey Court, why didn't you just do a lap that would end at your house? You may be thinking.... Well I will tell you why. If I had just done a loop it would have been too easy to just say screw it and turn back or take a short cut home. But, if I went a distance away from home with a point of no return then I knew I would have to finish. And guess what....I DID! It was funny because I kept randomly running into friends and sorority sisters along the way. It was a beautiful evening and when it was done I felt so proud of myself.

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