Saturday, March 9, 2013

Pressing my luck...

There is a device of torture that is often used in Fusion classes. They look unassuming but for the love of all things holy, they are evil evil lil buggers. I'm talking about Gliders. I've mentioned them before. When they are not on the list for class I do a happy dance. For the last four days, I have walked into class and they weren't on the list. I was so focused on the fact that they weren't on the list I lost a healthy respect for what was. Bands! No not the kind that play in the garage down the street from me (they are AWFUL by the way and LOUD)...but the elastic type that you pull in odd ways to work muscles you didn't know you had. I think my fear of gliders is not in the use of them, but in my failures with them. I've gone four classes without them so my luck is running out, I am going to really push myself and try them the next time they are on the list. But, for now I will enjoy my streak.

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