Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday fun day...

Some observations from my day...

1. I can almost do the jump up on the step in Circuit Circus class
2. Gliders are still evil
3. Working out is really fun when doing it with a friend
4. Sometimes I hold back and I need to recognize that and push myself
5. Starbucks tall skinny drinks are sometimes a really nice treat
6. Second workouts feel better when you change into a dry shirt
7. Mr. Physically Fit two ellipticals down was watching me in the mirror and I kicked his ass on endurance
8. Just when you feel like you can't push it to 80 RPMs the perfect song comes on and makes it better
9. A good friend will order you to get off the scale
10. PJs after two hard workouts before 2pm on a Sunday are perfectly acceptable

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