Sunday, March 31, 2013

The material rewards...

I no doubt have an appreciation for the physical and mental changes to my health I have experienced. But yesterday I had an exciting experience.
First, I shopped with my dearest friend. Since I have known her she has always been beautiful and had an amazing figure. She has never made me feel like the fat friend because she recognizes the important things. Yesterday we shopped for clothes. She doesn't like shopping but we had fun. The best part was that we were shopping in the same section comparing clothing. I wasn't, for the first time in a long time, under that 'Women's Plus' sign.
Then, I came home. Sat on my bed for a while staring at my closet. My overflowing closet. Full of clothes I bought because they covered me and fit. I took them all out, bagged them up, and got rid of them. I had a few emotional moments when I remembered why I wore what I wore. And now hanging in my closet are the bare minimum of items. Only things that fit, no 'going back' clothes. I won't enable myself to become that unhappy again.

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