Friday, January 18, 2013

And just like that, I was running...

In my dreams sometimes I am running. Not from anything really just running because in my dreams it feels so good. I don't have extra weight, my knees and balance aren't an issue. In my dreams I am fast, I feel the wind and my feet barely touch the ground. I can run uphill and downhill with ease and think nothing of it but how free I feel. In my dreams.

Then, I wake up. Until these last couple weeks I woke up and knew I couldn't do such a thing. My body and my mind were weighing my down. I'd lay in bed, shrug it off and move on. But, every once in a while, I'd think how great it felt and and how free I was in my dreams.

But things have changed and they changed today. 4:45am the alarm went off and by 5:20 I was at the indoor soccer arena and ready for bootcamp. Every Monday and Friday morning it is something new. Today our workout was a team effort. We went through the drills of 12 different (miserable) exercises. Then we were grouped into groups of 5 and we were told that on each index card was a different exercise. The catch, the notecards were at the other (FAR) end of the soccer field. And we had to run and pick one up and bring it back to the group then start that exercise. Well, you had to do that exercise until the next person got back with a new one. I don't like being the slowest and the prospect of speed walking was not an option or my poor team would be doing burpees or deep lunges for 3 minutes instead of 1.

All too soon it was my turn and instead of the voice of my waking hours telling me I can't do this, my dream voice kicked in and just like that...I was running.

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